Total institution mental wellbeing support
Our mental wellbeing support is based on our own unique concept for understanding mental wellbeing called The Six Domains of Mental Wellness™. This makes understanding mental wellbeing feel less daunting by developing greater personal awareness and an actionable plan for personal growth.

There are four support areas for learners:
- Learn about the subject mental wellness with six in-depth Domain Labs.
- Assess your current personal mental wellness status with our simple Domain assessments.
- Develop personal mental wellness at your own pace with bite-sized Action Labs.
- Share the learning journey with a mentor enabling to access your account, with oversight and direction.
For education providers:
- Access the total institution population data dashboard.
- Discover data trends related to domains, academic calendar or demographics.
- Implement, record and track impact of mental wellbeing campaigns.
- Export reports as evidence for key stakeholders.
Find out more about the mental wellness hub and how it can support learners and education providers in the videos below.
What licence do I need for the mental wellbeing hub?
See both the Complete Bundle Solution and Learning Labs Plus licence options. Find all licence options below.
For an informal discussion about tailoring Learning Labs to meet your institution’s needs, please email our Strategic Relationship Manager Michelle Brown:

Total institution AT & inclusivity support
Our inclusivity hub includes Labs on understanding and getting the most out of assistive technology, accessibility tools and remote learning software. This provides a site-wide digital support solution for inclusivity.
For learners:
- Without Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA) – learn how to use site-licenced assistive technology (AT) programmes.
- With DSA and bespoke AT, but not an AT e-learning tool – learn about their bespoke AT anytime, anywhere, any place etc.
- Studying remotely – feel supported with Labs on using remote learning software (such as Zoom and Teams).
- With diverse needs – feel supported with Labs on using everyday accessibility tools in OS.
For education providers:
- Make a tangible reasonable adjustment.
- Support a wider inclusivity strategy.
- Evidence learners accessing support (Learning Labs can provide usage data).
Find out more about the AT & inclusivity hub and how it can support learners by watching this video.
What licence do I need for the AT & inclusivity hub?
See both the Complete Bundle Solution and Learning Labs AT licence options. Find all licence options below.

For an informal discussion about tailoring Learning Labs to meet your institution’s needs, please email our Strategic Relationship Manager Michelle Brown:
Site licence options for Further and Higher Education
Learning Labs offers inclusive e-learning content in assistive technology, accessibility tools, study and career skills, plus a complete mental wellness hub for learning about, assessing and developing personal mental wellness. Find the site licence to meet your student needs.

Licence option one: The complete solution

The complete bundle includes everything in Learning Labs AT and Learning Labs+ (see full details below).
With Labs on assistive technology, accessibility, remote working, study and career skills, plus the complete mental wellness hub and mentor collaboration functionality.
Licence option two:
Assistive technology & inclusivity

Licence option three:
Mental wellbeing

Labs on AT, study/career skills, remote working and accessibility tools – no mental wellness hub or mentor collaboration functionality.
Mental wellness hub (domain explorer, assessments and development Action Labs), as well as mentor collaboration functionality – no Labs on AT, accessibility, remote working (Zoom/Teams) or study/career skills.
Assistive Technology Lab suites
Mental wellness domain explorer
Study and career skills Lab suites
Mental wellness questionnaires
Accessibility Lab suites
Mental wellness Action Labs
Remote working Lab suites
Mentor collaboration tool
HEI mental wellness dashboard

Streamline your disability service providers
Learning Labs is part of the eQuality Solutions Group, which offers an end-to-end service offering in specialist disability support for assistive technology (AT) provision, AT training and one-to-one non-medical help.
Education providers have opted to work with eQuality Solutions (eQS) not only for the high-quality services and solutions but also to help streamline their suppliers in this specialist area.
Find out more about each company by heading to the relevant company website below. If you would like an informal discussion about the services and solutions offered by eQS, please email our Strategic Relationship Manager Michelle Brown:
Fill out the contact form below to request a demo or purchase a licence.